1: Mobil 1 Engine Oils
Top of the list for our eight best car servicing products are Mobil 1 engine oils. With decades of motorsport experience and oil supplier to the championship-winning Red Bull Racing F1 team, you can’t get any better than Mobil 1. These long-lasting oils give superior engine protection, great low-temperature performance for cold start protection and good cleaning ability to prevent sludge build-up. All of which adds up to increased engine life and improved fuel economy.
2: Ryco Filters
You can’t go past Ryco filters for a great car servicing product. Factory tested to meet or exceed the manufacturer’s original equipment specifications, these filters provide superior efficiency in terms of cleaning ability even when compared to the real equivalent. Ryco filters also offer longer life and improved flow, which provides better fuel economy over the life of the filters. There’s a reason these filters are “The Professionals’ Choice”!
3: Rowe Gear Oils
Rowe lubricants, engineered and manufactured in Germany, are some of the best on the market. While not changed as often as engine oils, gear oils are still an essential aspect of car servicing. Providing protection for major drivetrain components like transmissions, differentials, transfer cases and power steering systems, they must be changed at specified intervals to ensure on-going protection. We’re always looking to provide your car with the best protection, and that’s we use Rowe.
4: Bendix Brake Pads
Bendix is our first choice in pads when we do brakes during car servicing. Why? They are a high-quality pad material that provides effective stopping power and good pad life. Bendix pads are also engineered to eliminate brake squeal, providing the driver with noise-free applications. They also offer a wide range of pads for different applications: General CT for everyday driving, heavy Duty for fully loaded vehicles and towing and a range of performance pads to suit even the most aggressive driving styles. Finally, their Euro+ range is an excellent pad for European cars, meeting strict European standards while providing all the other advantages of the Bendix range.
5: Bendix Brake Fluid
Brake fluid is an essential part of car servicing but is often overlooked by customers and workshops alike. Like all other fluids, it doesn’t last forever and should be changed every two years through a brake fluid flush process. For flushing, we use Bendix Brake Fluid. After all, Bendix are the experts in brakes, so why not use their fluid as well?
6: Century Batteries
Another essential element of car servicing is the battery test. Automotive batteries last around two to four years, depending on quality, usage etc., and have the unfortunate habit of leaving you stranded when they fail. Battery testing can predict a failure before it happens, allowing us to change out the battery before it leaves you stranded. And for replacements, we always use Century batteries. These high-quality batteries are made right here in Brisbane and come with a good warranty and provide excellent starting ability, even for modern stop-start systems.
7: Phillips Globes
The light check, where we look for blown globes, is part of every car servicing job. And when we need to replace a globe, we always use Phillips. Why? Because in our experience, these are the only globes that last. And that’s important because globes are an essential safety item, lighting your way in the dark and signalling your intention to other drivers. Finally, a blown globe makes your car unroadworthy, potentially attracting the ire of police and a fine.
8: Grease
An essential car servicing product. Any brand will do, but we mainly use Fuchs. Rubber grease for the door straps so your doors open and close smoothly. Renolite for other applications like universal and suspension joints. Grease is also excellent for lubricating threads so they don’t seize up, especially important for 4WDs that see beach work.